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We love this time of year so much that we don't want it to end. This Sunday night, we'll not be holding our regular youth group gathering. We want to give our families the opportunity to continue the theme of gathering together to share and grow. So, we won't be meeting this week. Please take the added time in your schedule to spend together with the ones you love.

In this 4-week series, our students will discover the big story of God, their place in that story, and how they can share that story with others.

I've been lost before, and I've been glad. Sometimes, finding yourself lost is a nice surprise. You can find a new place, learn something new, or just have an unexpected adventure. Other times, I've been lost, and it's been terrifying. It could be a dangerous place you find yourself lost in. It could be an inconvenient time to be lost. Being lost, whether it's under the best or worst circumstances, can have a life-changing impact.

Many of Jesus’ followers, all the way from his birth right down to modern times, have struggled to understand the meaning, purpose, and point of many of Jesus’ teachings. That’s where the parables came into the picture. Jesus used parables as a way of inviting us deeper into the story. Showing us that there’s more beneath the surface if we only care to look.

Spring (and allergies) is in full swing, and there's so much going on! We have a lot of events, activities, and good stuff going on. Below are the few upcoming weeks, and what we do (or don't have in store).

During the month of April, leading up to Easter, we’ll be studying Passover from a couple different perspectives. What was it like for Moses to watch God institute this new ritual in the midst of plagues and the Exodus? What was going through Jesus’ head as he celebrated his first, second, and last Passovers? What place does the Passover play for Christians today?

Nobody likes to feel like they're in second place. Yet, we all know from firsthand experience what it feels like. It could be on a sports team, in your family, or with your friends. Sooner or later, we know the pain of being relegated to the shadows on account of somebody else.

Movie night will be at Elliot's house, and starts at 6:30pm. The movie will start rolling at 7:00pm, so show up any time between then. I hope you're able to join us, and will be ready for a great time.

This Sunday night is Christmas. For pretty obvious reasons, we won't have any of our typical programming this week. The most important among those reasons is family. We believe that families should spend quality time together and they should celebrate important events together. This year, our students and parents are encouraged to put down the phone, tablet, computer, book, whatever, and join together to celebrate the season and celebrate each other.

Movie night will be at Elliot's house, and starts at 6:30pm. The movie will start rolling at 7:00pm, so show up any time between then. I hope you're able to join us, and will be ready for a great time.