At Wildwood Christian Church, we believe serving is one of the ways to become more Christ-like. Just as Jesus served, we as his followers are called to serve also.
Here are some ways we serve at Wildwood Christian Church (Click each link to find out more about the opportunity):
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- Missions
- Mission Trips to Panama
- This opportunity allows you to help those in the nation of Panama. We typically partner with a missions organization called David's Well that helps provide clean water and an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus. You can learn more about the upcoming mission trip as information is updated on the events page, bulletin, and the webpage linked above.
- This option ranges in types of opportunities from food packaging to traveling to offer short-term help to communities suffering from disasters. You can learn more about the ways we serve with IDES or International Disaster Emergency Services as information is updated on the events page, bulletin, and the webpage linked above.
- LovetheLou
- We have partnered with Pursuit Ministries and Lucas Rouggly in downtown St. Louis and "adopted" an entire street to impact for Jesus. We meet the physical needs which in turn opens doors for the local church to meet their spiritual needs. You can learn more information about LovetheLou as information is updated on the events page, bulletin, and the webpage linked above.
- Church Workdays
- If you love to work with your hands or enjoy helping the church check some things off it's to-do list, this option may be for you. Some of the things that have been accomplished during workdays in the past include trimming bushes, paint touch ups, and organizing outdoor equipment. You can learn more information about church workdays as information is updated on the events page, bulletin, and the webpage linked above.
- Clothing or Food Drives
- This is a great option for individuals to get involved that may not have the time or ability to serve or be involved in some of our other opportunities. Look for information for these types of events on our events page, the bulletin, or by checking the webpage linked above.
- Thanksgiving Dinner
- We host an annual Thanksgiving Dinner for our church family in November. Opportunities to be involved or serve in this event range from serving to cleaning to contributing to the dinner itself. You can learn more as information for the annual Thanksgiving Dinner is updated on our events page, bulletin, or by checking the webpage linked above.
- Volunteering with Children's Ministry and VBS
- If you have the gift and enjoy working with children, this would be a great area to get involved. Contact Brandi at if you have questions or are interested in serving in this way.