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August 15, we will be starting back up with Sunday Nights. It will look a little different than what it used to but I am excited for moving forward with Sunday Nights again. It will be 6-8pm. If it is a holiday weekend or there is an event that evening then we will not be having our normally scheduled Youth Group as the youth will be encouraged to attend the event.

Sunday Night has been traditionally for 6th-12th grade in our church but we have decided to extend that down to 5th grade for now. We are testing this out and may end up going back to before but felt this could help with the transition from children to student ministry. 5th grade will still be in the children's area on Sunday morning. 

Sunday Night will be more on relationship building through various fun activities and a devotion. 3-4 times are a year we will do a service project on Sunday night (i.e. clean up an elderly persons yard, pick up trash at a park, put together homeless bags for a downtown ministry, and so on) these times parents will be encouraged to come along with their teens to serve too. Modeling your faith is important not just when they are children but as teens as well. I want this ministry to focus on the whole family as often as possible. 

Archives for January 2016

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Question: Why does the Bible hate science?


Why can't the two sides of this complement each other? Why can't science agree with what the Bible says, and vice versa? Why do you have to choose your side and draw battle lines? Wouldn't it just be great if we could all come to a place where we get along?! Join us this Sunday night, January 31 at 6pm! We'll talk about science. We'll talk about faith. We'll talk about ...

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Question: What if I doubt my faith?


Everyone experiences doubts, from time to time. We can doubt other people, we can doubt the truthfulness of a story we hear, or we can even doubt our own abilities. Join us this Sunday night, as we look into the Scriptures to find out how we can deal with some of our doubts: Trust!...

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Upcoming Series: The Question


We've all been told, at some point or another, to sit down, shut up, and stop asking such hard questions. How did you feel when that happened to you? After that, were you likely to give that particular adult the time of day? Didn't you want to just do anything you could, just because they would hate that?! Yeah. We've been there, too. We want to be very clear with your ...

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Question: What about the Bible?


What makes the Bible any different from other old books? It's been honored as Holy. It's been mocked as myth. It's been dismissed as a deception. This Sunday night, January 3, 2016, we're kicking off our "The Question" series! I've been so excited about this for so long! We're starting with your questions about the Bible....

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Question: What is truth?


Join us this Sunday night, January 10th, 2016! We're continuing our The Question series, and we'll be talking about truth: If there is such a thing, how you can embrace it, and even how you can help your friends see it....

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Question: Why do bad things happen?


Join us this Sunday night, January 17th, 2016 at 6:00pm! We'll talk through some difficult conversations, and we'll look at how we can honor, worship, and praise God in the middle of the storm....

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