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Do you ever feel like, as a parent, it’s nearly impossible to understand all the different aspects of your student’s life? Us too! And, while we can’t guarantee you’ll learn everything there is to know about the teenage world, we’d like to help get you started. One of our favorite authors, Mark Oestreicher, has written some short, easy reads to help parents understand teenage guys, girls, brains, social media, and sex & dating. You won’t regret picking one of these up!

Most parents have so many demands on their time that they can't be the kind of parent they desire to be. They need to know the Orange Factor: Two combined influences will make a greater impact on kids than just two influences. And it's true. Parents who partner with the faith community are the best way to bring the next generation into the family of God-and keep them there.

Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that 'sticks' long term. Sticky Faith delivers.

Playing for Keeps is a book for parents and leaders (and anyone else who influences the lives of kids and teenagers). In Playing for Keeps, you will discover six things every kid needs over time, and 18 practical ideas so you can make what really matters matter more.

If you're curious about what your students are up to online, and you want to have some knowledge that can help you in your conversations, this book is right up your alley. If your student isn't quite to the social media age yet, reading this early on can help inform your parenting strategy for when they do get there.