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Butterfly Effect

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Butterfly Effect

Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can't keep them. Let's learn to make small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. Don't despise the small beginnings, steps and choices, because God takes the small and makes it great.

February 1, 2015

One Word

Series: Butterfly Effect Topic: Adults Scripture: John 8:2–8:11

January 25, 2015


Series: Butterfly Effect Topic: Adults Scripture: Romans 7:15–7:25

January 18, 2015


Series: Butterfly Effect Topic: Adults Scripture: James 3:2–3:10

January 11, 2015


Series: Butterfly Effect Topic: Adults Scripture: Romans 12:2

January 4, 2015

Loving the Small Things

Series: Butterfly Effect Topic: Adults Scripture: Genesis 4:6–4:10