Upcoming Series: The Greatest Show
I grew up with an older brother and an older sister. We didn't always get along, but when we did, it was a blast! When we were little, one of our favorite things to do was put on "shows" for my parents.
Complete with costume changes, singing, dancing, and tons of other stuff I'm glad wasn't captured on film, these shows would drag on for ages. We just loved acting out different characters and telling a story through them. The more different our character was from our real self, the better!
The truth is, though, for many teenagers and adults, life just feels like a bigger, more high-stakes version of that.
Do you ever felt like you’re putting on a show? Like the person people think you are doesn’t line up with who you really are?
Or maybe you’ve been known to put on different personas for different situations — personas that help you fit in with certain crowds, even if that persona doesn’t reflect who you really want to be.
Sound familiar?
Of course it does. We can all relate because, at times, we all struggle with the same big questions:
Who am I?
Who loves me?
Why am I here?
In this 4-week series all about identity, our students will find answers to those questions as they discover that, in Jesus, they are loved, they are forgiven, they have purpose, and they belong.
More in Sunday Nights
January 28, 2020
Upcoming Series: Choose Your Own AdventureOctober 30, 2019
Upcoming Series: Us For ThemOctober 3, 2019
Upcoming Series: The Haves & Have-Nots
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