October 6, 2013

Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharoah

Series: The Story Topic: Adults Scripture: Genesis 37–50

How would a person live if they were certain God was with them? They would live like Joseph lived, no matter what they faced in life. We continue the Story as we come to the last several chapters of Genesis. Joseph was sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, unjustly thrown into prison, was forgotten by those he helped, yet he remainded faithful to God. As a result, God used him to save the nation of Israel. How should you live if you were absolutely certain that God was with you? Like Joseph!


other sermons in this series

May 18


The End

Series: The Story

May 11


Paul's Final Days

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10–4:8 Series: The Story

May 4


Paul's Journey

Scripture: Acts 13–18 Series: The Story